Impossible Situations
Luke 2:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
For years Elisabeth longed for a child, but it wasn’t until she was well past her childbearing years that the angel Gabriel visited her husband Zacharias while he served in the temple and announced that she would have a son. Impossible! It was too late.
Six months later, a young virgin who was pledged to be married, sat in her home many miles away. Without warning, this same Gabriel appeared and brought news that stunned her. She, who had never been intimate with any man, would conceive and bear the long-awaited Messiah. Impossible! It was too soon.
Gabriel delivered promises of hope sent from God. No doubt Elisabeth and Mary clung tenaciously to his words because biologically neither of them should have been able to have a child. It was impossible, yet both of these precious ladies knew the scriptures and they awaited the fulfillment of God’s plan. Each believed the words of Gabriel when he came to them, and they rejoiced. They were ready to see God’s power at work.
The same God that brought life to an old and barren womb, and then formed a child in the body of a virgin, is still at work today. Through all of the centuries His power has not diminished! His plan has not been altered! His promises have never been broken!
What impossible situation are you facing today? Turn to the One who has what it takes to meet your every need. Surrender to His purpose. Cling to His promises and claim His power. Let the God of the impossible rearrange the pieces of your problem and bring you hope and joy.
Almighty God, throughout this Christmas season, let me be mindful of the fact that You are the God of the impossible. Open my eyes to see Your hand at work all around me.
By Ann Shorb
©Copyright Ann Shorb, 2006
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