Forgetting? Remember!
I Timothy 2:1-2
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority over you; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Have you ever thought about the difference between forgetting and remembering? Remembering is a conscious choice. It involves an effort on my part to pull from my memory bank thoughts and feelings previously deposited there. Forgetting . . . well, that just happens. I fail to send that birthday card to my friend, or I let the appointment with the dentist slip by. Oops! It happens more frequently than I’d like! How do I stop forgetting? I make that conscious effort to remember. Date books, To-Do lists, and sticky notes all help prompt me to bring to mind the things I need to do.
Tomorrow is Memorial Day here in the United States. It’s a conscious effort by our government to help us remember and honor those who fought and died for our country lest we forget the great price of our freedom. As we pause to remember them, let us not forget those who currently serve in our armed forces, and those who lead our country. Please take a few moments to pray for the provision of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Pray for their protection, and ask God to bless their loved ones here at home.
Many of you reading this live outside of the U.S. Regardless of where you are tomorrow, take a moment to pray for those who lead your nation. Ask God to give wisdom and direction to those in authority. Thank Him for the blessings you have around you. Really, we need to do this more than just on one special day every year. We need to let every day be a memorial day. Are you forgetting to pray? Remember!
Lord, You have blessed us as a nation with great freedom and riches. Thank You for the abundance of these gifts. May we never forget Your kindness to us, no matter where we live.
By Ann Shorb
©Copyright Ann Shorb, 2007
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![]() By Dr. Henry Cloud / Zondervan In Changes That Heal, Dr. Cloud takes the reader step-by-step through the four basic tasks of becoming mature image bearers of God. They are: Bonding to others, Separating from others, Sorting out good and bad in ourselves and others, and Becoming an adult. Dr. Cloud not only explains and describes each task, he also identifies the problems that result when we fail to accomplish that task, and he shows us what changes to make in our lives in order to bring about healing. |